Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Healthy Hale's Day #4- Priorities

My thoughts are going 90-nothing. Just when I think this book can't get any better, I read more and fall on my knees in utter amazement.  In order to be healthy, you must have your priorities right. Bare with me as a share my heart and personal experience on priorities in my life.
About 2 months ago I met with my wonderful friend and mentor Laura. She is a wife of 10 years and mother of 4 boys (all under the age of 7). She is incredible. How she does what she does is beyond comprehension to me. We have similar personalities; we are strong leaders, we speak our mind and we will do anything for someone else. So I asked Laura if she would have dinner with me. It was the best discussion I've had since college. She gave me books, pointed me toward scripture and prayed with me. The Holy Spirit completely flowed out of her being. One of the books she gave me was Lies Women Believe and the Truths that Set them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. If you haven't read this book...READ it. Make time to be completely impacted!
So the majority of our conversation that night was on priorities. I wept in front of her as I told her that my priorities had become my baby girl, my job and then my husband. I'd like to say the Lord fit in there somewhere, but more likely than not, He unfortunately did not. In her spiritual maturity told me I was out of whack and needed to get them straight. (how awesome a friend is that? ) .
So...back to the book, I've been diligently reading it as my devotions. I am now on chapter 5. The entire book has been AWESOME...and chapter 5 just got REALLY awesome. The title is, "Lies Women Believe...about Priorities. " Lie # 18 is "I don't have time to do everything I'm supposed to do". I can't even tell you guys how many times I've told this lie...probably to each person reading this... multiple time. For over a year know I have believed and lived this lie out to its core! I wonder how many of you are believing and living this lie also? Here is a passage  (pg. 118-199) that really hit me hard:

There is virtually never time in a twenty-four-hour day for me to do everything that is on everyone else's "to-do" list for me. There is seldom time to do everything that is on my own "to-do" list. I cannot meet with every person who wants an appointment, call every person who wants to talk, counsel with every person who has a need, tackle every project that people think I would be good at, read all the books I'd like to read, spend the kind of time Id like to spend with my friends and keep every room in my house presentable for guests who drop in. It's just not physically possible. What a relief to realize I don't have to do all those things! The Truth is that all I have to do is the work God assigns to me. What freedom it has been for me to accept that there is time for me to do everything that is on God's "to do" list for my day, for my week, and for my life!

You guys...This is HUGE!! For 4 (almost 5)  years, I have been living on someone else's "to-do" list...MY OWN!!  I've tried to be the best wife I could be and frankly, I've sucked! I've tried to be the best teacher and now Mommie...and I was absolutely right...I couldn't do it all... because I had all my priorities wrong. I have realized that God has a "to-do" list for me!! Where do I start?? I start with the priorities that he has given to me...HIM, My husband and my baby girl! (in that order).
I CAN get everything done on HIS to-do list! I can't even tell you how freeing this is! So many mornings and nights I lay down and think of everything I didn't get done and now need to get done the next day! NO...every morning from here on out, my morning prayer will be this:

Lord, Here is YOUR day. My life, family, schedule is YOURS. I want my life to reflect You and so I give this day to you to complete Your work in me. Help me to be in tune to those hurting around me. Help me to be a blessing and reflect You today. Thank you for being with me and directing my day! I'm listening for You!

Living the Lie NO more, Meredith

1 comment:

  1. I just received a Kindle for my birthday. Your book recommendation may be my first book purchase!
